With the increases in national freight traffic, it’s more important than ever to have an established vegetation program.

Vegetation Control
Main Line
Yard Track
Signal/Signal Housing
Off Track
Branch Line
Why we are the most reliable source.
We are a company where worker safety, health, welfare and the safe management are central to its successful enterprise. Drift control management is a technique we use and watch very closely to ensure the herbicide spray comes in contact with the target site. We wait for favorable spraying conditions as per the herbicide label so no drift is incurred. Herbicide volatility is another factor we closely monitor. We select the least volatile herbicide so the chemical will not turn into vapor and move off target.
Southeast Vegetation Management is dedicated to delivering effective and efficient service. Our spray system has the capability to spray on and off track applications, meaning our trucks can spray all areas of the rail for one seamless application. This in return saves the customers money by reducing overall track time. We strive to develop a plan of action designed around the customer needs while executing with maximum effectiveness.
Southeast Vegetation Management is built on integrity. Integrity should be the cornerstone to any business. It is the key to acquiring and retaining customers, and to have seamless operations. The success of a company is built off the trust of customers, employees and the general public. Our employees demonstrate ethics and integrity in all day to day operations. We are dedicated to providing excellent service always meeting all customers’ expectations.
Cutting vs spray technique – Cutting is a slow and tedious as well as labor intensive. By opting to control brush with an herbicide program you can save time and money. There is no longer a need for multiple machines to maintain the brush. Our spray method is one seamless application our equipment allows us to penetrate the encroaching brush. This herbicide brush program is normally implemented during the month of August when the brush is the strongest. Using this method as the brush dies it will translocate the herbicide down into the root system killing the brush during its dormant season. This method saves time and money. The longer your rail is impassible due to cutting the less available track time.
A Little About Us
Southeast Vegetation Management is dedicated to delivering effective and efficient service with integrity using proven and innovative methods. We are a company where worker safety, health, welfare and the safe management of chemicals are central to its successful enterprise.
We strive to develop a plan of action that is designed around the customer needs while executing with maximum effectiveness. We work with the best chemists and chemical companies in the nation. We also look at the railroad’s needs and tailor the chemical application to those specific needs.